Vigilance Wing

Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO)

About Us

Vigilance wing of Irrigation Department was set up in 1977 with SE rank officer at Patiala who was designated as Chief Technical Examiner. To help him, two nos. Technical Examiners of the rank of XEN were appointed. Each Technical Examiner was helped by two ATEs of SDO rank. The object of this organization is to check up the tenders & estimates of works at site. The strength of this organization was increased to 5 TEs and Vigilance Officers in 9/81. There are two A.T.Es./SDOs. With every T.E./XEN, Vigilance. Besides this the post of Chief Technical Examiner was upgraded from Superintending Engineer to Chief Engineer/Vigilance. In addition to this, one no. Executive Engineer Vigilance was attached with the Chief Engineer/Vigilance at headquarter so that he can help the Chief Engineer/Vigilance for daily office work. The work of this whole team is to check the field work at any stage. This type of procedure already existed in CPWD.


  1. There is a Vigilance Wing in the Irrigation Department to check working of different field, project & design office of Irrigation Deptt. Vigilance Wing’s routine functions are as under:-

  2. Checking of important projects estimates/detailed estimates at site to avoid inflation/exaggeration in various provisions.

  3. Inspection of percentage of important works at any stage of execution for ensuring (a) quality (b) Specification (c) Execution to Scheduled programme and (d) avoiding undue deviations for design during construction (e) avoiding of undue/excess payments to agencies (f) effecting recoveries for already made wrong payments.

  4. Checking a percentage of concluded contracts/work orders for ensuring reasonable rates, to avoid ambiguity in conditions and specifications.

  5. Checking a percentage of bills after final payments with reference to measurements and the rates paid against the sanctioned rates. Also to avoid payments of several such items which are not included in the original Supplementary contracts.

  6. Occasional inspections of Divisions/Circle offices to avoid delays in the sanction of design, drawing, estimates, tenders, final bills of the Agencies. Also to curb down the tendency of allowing higher rates in tenders than the prevailing schedule of rates.

  7. Surprise checking of various irrigation channels to avoid tampering with outlets and thus to ensure equitable distribution of Irrigation supply.

  8. Bringing to the notice of the Govt/Chief Engineers the flaws and ambiguities in the various rules and procedures to ensure efficiency and quality of work in the field.

  9. Pointing out whenever possible, latest techniques/know how for design and construction of irrigation structures.

  10. To afford technical advice to the State Vigilance Department and to help the Irrigation Department & Accountant General, Punjab in setting Technical points taken in audit objections, draft paras, bills & contracts etc.


Vigilance wing of the Department was set up under Chief Engineer/ Vigilance whose Head Quarter is at Chandigarh. One Xen(Vig) Headquarter is also attached with Chief Engineer/Vigilance at Chandigarh & 5 No. Xens designated as TEs & Xen Vigilance work under supervision & guidance of Chief Engineer.

Organizational Structure